building seamless web experiences

see my work

my work

Checkout a few of my works!

Tranq Website

Tranq is an online platform designed to streamline hotel management operations. It provides a comprehensive solution for hotel owners and staff to manage reservations and enhance the overall guest experience.


Password: 12345678

  • react
  • sass
  • sanity cms
  • typescript
  • nike-webstore

    Nike Webstore

    Nike Webstore is minimalistic e-commerce website where you can shop for the latest Nike products conveniently online.

    Stripe card no



    Password: 12345678

  • react
  • sass
  • express
  • mongodb
  • Furniq Website

    Furniq is an online marketplace where users can browse and purchase a wide variety of high-quality furniture items to enhance their living spaces.

    Stripe card no


  • react
  • sass
  • sanity cms
  • Pixar Remake

    The Pixar Website Remake is recreation of the iconic Pixar website, aiming to capture the essence of the original while offering an interactive experience.

  • react
  • sass
  • typescript
  • Zen landing page

    Zen is a mobile-ready, responsive, cross-browser compatible and appealing resort website template. If you are in the accommodation business, make sure your rooms are occupied throughout the entire year.

  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • sass
  • my skills

    Here are some technologies I've used!

    html html
    css css
    javascript javascript
    sass sass
    tailwind tailwind
    react react
    typescript typescript
    php php
    postgresql postgresql
    figma figma
    nodejs nodejs
    express express
    mongodb mongodb

    about me

    Hello! My name is Lawrence, and I am a frontend developer and web designer.

    I took the initiative to teach myself coding so that I could acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to transform my ideas into reality.

    Throughout this journey, I have gained expertise in designing and developing visually appealing and functional websites. I'm dedicated to crafting websites that not only look good but also work seamlessly to provide the best user experience.

    Additionally, I have a passion for writing technical articles, where I share my knowledge and insights with the community. It allows me to contribute to the industry and help others in their learning journey.


    Checkout a few of my articles

    4 min read
    Here Are Some Productivity Tools That I Use Every Day

    Whatsup guys, so staying productive often feels like juggling multiple responsibilities at once....

    3 min read
    How I’m Turning My Side Project Into a Source of Income

    Introduction Whatsup guys, So as someone who has always been intrigued by the idea of...

    7 min read
    The Basics of Rate Limiting: How It Works and How to Use It

    Rate limiting is a vital concept in web development. It ensures server stability, efficient resource...

    5 min read
    How to Route Multiple Paystack Webhooks with one Webhook URL

    Paystack offers powerful payment solutions for businesses in Nigeria and across Africa, but one...

    hire me

    I would like to make your ideas come to live. Feel free to contact me at anytime